We set out to Havre and had much success. We had 9 GPS points to find, neither of us had been to all of them so after a quick eat and stop at walmart. We started out on these dirt roads with a map and the points. I was the navigator and Josey the driver (she is a great driver - trust her completley). We saw about 6 people out there. These point were about a hours drive in between each one. We found the first one and were feeling pretty good about ourselfs. We got to the last point by sunset, 5 miles from Canada. Slept longways in the truck, woke up at sunrise, got out of the truck and began our point counts. First thing we see is Northern Harrier chasing a coyote that's chasing something - good morning Montana. We got done at 11:30, drove the 3.5 hrs back to Glasgow - pretty dirty and tired by this point. At 7 we help set up mist nets for bird banding in the morning. Saturday is another 5am wake up. We band about 24 birds lots of house wrens, least flycatchers, a warbling viero, downy woodpecker, black capped chicadee - some others. Josey and I sleep that afternoon, wake about 4pm and head over to the Bonnie City Blues and Brews Fest. Basically ribs, shrimp, music, and a bunch of Montana micro brewerys. Woke up a little hungover this morning. Monday we get our first aid training.
Cotton tail, was very close and didnt move
Cotton tail, was very close and didnt move
I cant tell you how these sunsets make you feel, extremly humbling, very beautiful and peacfull.