Sunday, May 31, 2009

Why it is blue - I dont know.

We set out to Havre and had much success. We had 9 GPS points to find, neither of us had been to all of them so after a quick eat and stop at walmart. We started out on these dirt roads with a map and the points. I was the navigator and Josey the driver (she is a great driver - trust her completley). We saw about 6 people out there. These point were about a hours drive in between each one. We found the first one and were feeling pretty good about ourselfs. We got to the last point by sunset, 5 miles from Canada. Slept longways in the truck, woke up at sunrise, got out of the truck and began our point counts. First thing we see is Northern Harrier chasing a coyote that's chasing something - good morning Montana. We got done at 11:30, drove the 3.5 hrs back to Glasgow - pretty dirty and tired by this point. At 7 we help set up mist nets for bird banding in the morning. Saturday is another 5am wake up. We band about 24 birds lots of house wrens, least flycatchers, a warbling viero, downy woodpecker, black capped chicadee - some others. Josey and I sleep that afternoon, wake about 4pm and head over to the Bonnie City Blues and Brews Fest. Basically ribs, shrimp, music, and a bunch of Montana micro brewerys. Woke up a little hungover this morning. Monday we get our first aid training.

Cotton tail, was very close and didnt move

I cant tell you how these sunsets make you feel, extremly humbling, very beautiful and peacfull.
Josey at the Milk River
Those might be the Rockies
Sunrise Thursday morning
Miss Josey

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Big Sky, Big Country

We helped the kids today - Pretty comical, its nice to get them fishing at 8 years old. All at once there were two kids crying, This one girl had gotten the hook snagged on the back of her arm. Right when I went to go help her, Jeff tells me to go help the Johnson kid. I thought they just had their lines tangled but then I see he is crying, sure enough he has the hook in his hand. It was rich.
We drove around today pretty close to Canada. Saw a lot of birds I have never seen before, and prairie dogs!Tomorrow Josey and I wake at 4:30 to bird point counts, then we leave after lunch for Haver, which is like 3.5hrs away we are camping out and doing point counts in the morning. Haver has a walmart - going to get me a coffee pot and a pillow.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

SO I've arrived

After some painful plain rides (there were only 4 people on this plane including pilot and stewardess), I am here in Montana. Its great weather, and the people are sweethearts. Tomorrow I'm helping 72 1st graders fish, so that will be interesting not really part of the job description but I'm happy to get the experience. I've had two BBQ's with the Biologist here. Turns out (very lucky) that just Josey and I will be staying in the trailer, so I've got the bunks to my self. A lot of our work will be outside of Glasgow, so I'm pretty fortunate to be able to see a lot of the state (good chance for good photos).
There are a lot of pretty sunsets, and you can see for miles on the prairie. I saw a pronghorn, loon, white pelican, black billed magpie, cotton tail, western meadowlark. I'll post more later.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pre arrival update

I found out I will have a bike to use, this is a plus.
I also know now where the RV will be parked. Here is the link